Bho Bho Awarded In KalyanInternational FilmFestival


Bho Bho is Awarded By Kalyan International Film Festival

The most awarded International Film Festival movie “Bho Bho” is now impressed in Kalyan International Film Festival. For this movie famous actor Prashant Damale is awarded as best actor.

Kalyan Film festival is held on 21 February at Kalyan Sport Club Ground. During acdepting award Prashant Damale said, ” I have accepted this movie due a different and unique character and as I got award for that so I am very glad due to that.

BhoSumukhesh Films Presents Bho bho is directed by ‘Bharat Gaikwad’. The movie story revolves around a dog with a murder mestry and Prashant Damale is in a different role as we didn’t seen before. Also a famous star casts Sharad Ponkshe, Subodh Bhave , Ashwini Ekbote, Sanjay Mane , Kishor Chougule, Sourabh Gokhale and Anuja Sathe is in the movie.

Due to different story of the movie, the movie will definitely entertain the audience said director Bharat Gaikwad. So audience is excited for the movie.

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